Celebrate trail building!
Be active, be outside, make a difference you can see.
Volunteers are always welcome to help right out on the trail. There are also "under the hood" opportunities, joining with our Board and other volunteers to help plan and manage initiatives and events.
Contact us any time to let us know what you might be interested in!
Volunteer Work Parties Scheduled

CVTA is happy to partner with Green Mountain United Way to put on volunteer opportunities for all abilities.
Spend a morning or afternoon this weekend getting your hands dirty. Everyone is welcome. Plenty to do for all ages and abilities. First time? Read our "What you need to know before attending a volunteer work party".
Meeting times: We generally meet at 9 AM each day, and you can stay as long as you like. (Projects generally are near the road, so you can park nearby and leave when you need to, or stay all day!) If you'd like to drop in at a later time, give us a call ahead of the work day and get directions to the project site. If a project has a different meeting time, that will be noted in the calendar listing here.
date | meeting location | description |
June 1 | Blue Mt Union Wells River |
National Trails Day, annual maintenance work party. Clearing brush, grass trimming, a little digging. |
Ongoing | Winooski Bridge U-32 School Forest |
Periodic opportunities to pitch in on a variety of jobs, mostly small carpentry. Give a shout if interested to learn more. |
July 20 | Groton tbd | CVTA's Annual Meeting. Volunteer to Vote! We will celebrate the new work being done on rail trail in Groton and have some social time, as well as do a little required annual business. Anyone who has donated or volunteered is a member and can vote. |
Youth Groups and Community Service Organizations
Schedule your own work party. CVTA staff can work with you directly on a day that is best for your program.
Independent Project for people who want to put their own stamp on a section of trail
Already have some skills and want to be in charge of your own spot from start to finish? We can set you up with some blank canvas to work with on your own time.
Volunteer Vacations
Spend a full week camping out with us completing a large project. More Information. Local folks are welcome to join in on the projects for as little as a few hours. Give a call to find out where to connect with the crew each day.
dates | co-sponsor | location | description |
Aug 4 - Aug 10, 2024 | The spirit of the universe. | Groton State Forest | We're building out the multi-use trail network in the State Forest, of which Cross Vt Trail is the central connecting part. |
More Volunteer Goings-On
Event Staff
At our annual Cycle Tour, Trail Marathon, and Foliage Ride - help by hanging out at a rest stop during the day, or with set up and take down of event day route marking arrows and other logistics.
Trail Adopter
Is there a section of the Cross Vermont Trail that you especially enjoy visiting? We can set you up as an official adopter who helps keep tabs on the trail, making it ship shape. Check out our resources for trail builders page for more about what trail maintenance can entail.
White Collar Skilled Labor or Internships
Engineer, Lawyer, Accountant - or studying to be one? Your volunteer work "under the hood" of the CVTA will ennable us to get more done on the ground.
Trail Use Survey
Sit in a lawn chair outside on a sunny day! We are looking for folks to spend some time at trailheads, counting the number of users on the trail. It's our contribution to the National Bicycle & Pedestrian Documentation Project (the NBPDS). (We're also set up to gather data compatible with the trail use counts already being done by VTrans at some heavily used sites, such as the Montpelier Bike Path by the Dept of Labor Parking lot, rest assured.) Ready? The basic idea is to do a number of counts, then average them to provide one "usage number" for that trail, for that time of day, for time of year. Each set of counts should be: 1.) at the same location 2.) at the same two hour block of time (such as 11 AM to 1 PM or 5 PM to 7 PM) and 3.) be carried out on three weekdays and three weekend days, either all in one week (consecutive days Tues through Sun) OR do one weekday and one weekend day per week for three consecutive weeks. Then, the raw numbers are plugged through a formula provided by NBPDS to calculate an "average users per day" number that has (some) validity. Got it? Wanna help? Give a call! Already helping and need another copy of the tally sheet? Here it is: CVTA Use Count tally sheet.
Carpentry at Home
Design and prep in your shop wooden bridges for assembly out on the trail.
Pleasantly Mindless Office Tasks
Collating papers, stuffing envelopes, idle conversation around the folding table - sound calming? We occasionally have such get togethers.
You name it
Tell us your idea!