March 14, 2025
Glimpsed on the rail trail in Groton this week.
Understandable, what with the price of ponies now days.
December 17, 2024
Snowpentry Success.
Thanks to all the Railings Installation volunteers this past week, the last remaining task on the new section of Cross Vermont Trail is almost done. This is the section of trail from the Powerplant Road (off of Gallison Hill Rd) through the U-32 School Forest, across the big Winooski Bridge and east to the "Hidden Dam" trailhead on Route 2.
We've got some more clean up to do in the spring, and also in the spring will finish the connection trails up to the U-32 School. After that will be excited to celebrate the trails here being officially open and finally feeling more "nature trail" and less "perpetual construction site."
(Though if you are seeking that perpetual construction site feeling, like I am, the saga continues next summer as we start work east from Hidden Dam across East Montpelier over to where the rail trail starts at Route 14.)
December 5, 2024
Our Annual Appeal.
2024 Recap and Plans for Next Year.
Thank you for your past support of our work. If you haven't donated recently, now is a great time as we prepare for major trail improvements in 2025.
Make a secure online donation here.
Or mail a check any time to CVTA, PO BOX 116, Montpelier, VT 05601.
Flood Response Is Ongoing
2024 was another year of repairing flood damage. The good news is that we had resources on hand from many generous past donors, so we were able to buy lumber and stone and rent equipment and move quickly to shore up threatened trail structures. This quick work saved things from being even worse than they might have been. Truthfully though, long term repairs are still needed, with a backlog that is starting to add up state wide. We are resolved to get caught up to a good standard on all our trails next year, with your help.
New Trail Being Built
The original plan for 2024 was to make a big push to finish the trails on either side of the Winooski Bridge, especially the connection up to the U-32 School. Despite spending several months on storm response in the middle of the work season, we were still able to put in a huge effort on the Winooski Bridge project, and came very close to finishing this next segment. Seriously – look for a formal opening June 2025 of the U-32 Forest trails. And after that we will keep building the planned new trail eastward across East Montpelier up to the existing rail trail at Route 14, let's go!
We're also looking forward to finishing the big upgrade to the trail in Groton by early next summer. The Town of Groton is leading rejuvination work on the existing railtrail with large State grant. CVTA is pooling adding to this, with funding from many individual donors, to more over a half mile of the trail route in Groton off of roads and onto a trail in the woods.
The Big Picture
The Cross Vermont Trail is different from other long-distance trails because it celebrates local trails and works to connect them together. Our goal is convenient paths to desired destinations like schools, villages and quiet natural areas. We take an active role in helping communities join trails into a regional network, with the Cross Vt Trail as the link among them.
We believe strongly that trails which are inviting and accessible to people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds help improve the quality of life for everyone and add vitality to our towns and cities.
Last year we were able to use donations from many individuals to pay for surveyors and legal experts to untangle the history and ownership of the old "Montpelier & Wells River Railroad". We mapped the original survey of the railbed, from back when trains were running, onto modern property lines. This work allows us to proceed to serious conversations with current landowners about saving the old railbed where possible, and building a new trail similar to the old bed where needed, to ultimately reestablish a continuous off-road trail from Montpelier to Wells River.
Clear Signage and Neat Trailheads
In 2024 we continued to roll out the results of a multi-year push to provide new, informative signage along the Cross Vermont route and upgrade trailheads to be inviting and functional.
We're putting in the rearview mirror the old type of trailheads that were just wide spots in the road where people "who were in the know" knew to park. New trailheads are being built or significantly upgraded to be more formal with solid gravel areas for parking and large visible signs.
This winter we are working with a graphic designer to take a big step forward on a full suite of informative signs that will help people understand the trail route, kiosks with maps, and new blazes. Look for these to show up more next summer.
Every donation is NEEDED and goes straight to making better trails.
Donations to CVTA are critical to:
We hope you can help us keep up the good work!
Mike Thomas (CVTA Board Chair)
Rose Paul (CVTA Board Secretary)
Greg Western (CVTA Executive Director)
View the full annual letter as pdf.
December 3, 2024
Muddy Ruts Be Gone.
This fall we completed the smooth gravel surfacing of the Cross Vermont Trail segment in the U-32 School Forest (west of the Winooski Bridge, uphill from the old railbed and the hydro dam.) The trail is open through the winter, but not maintained for winter use (we don't groom or plow.) The old railbed is also open to the public all the way out to the bridge, and always will be.
The two side trails that will connect up to the U-32 School were partially built last summer, but completion was delayed when our attention was diverted by (you guessed it) the need for flood response for a second year running. We'll be right back to it next Spring, though. Look for the grand opening of the full U-32 Forest Trails phase of our big project next June, let's go!
A chance to help out.
We'll be putting finishing touches on this segment through the winter, attaching railings to already installed posts. Do you want to do some carpentry in the snow? Easy enough once you knock the ice off the boards. Give a shout if interested in dropping by to help with this.
November 5, 2024
Puddle Be Gone.
Johnnie Brook Trail in Richmond is back in action. Thanks to many volunteers from Richmond trails community and generous CVTA donors who paid for the lumber. We made the boardwalk higher, and things are basically as good as they were before the flooding from last July.
Long term, this is a dynamic area. Why did the old boardwalk disappear down into the mud and the inky waters? It is a mystery that only science can answer. So, calling all scientists and science-curiousists to join us in pondering best way to have a sustainable trail here into the future.
October 1, 2024
Good day at Annual Meeting and Foliage Ride
Fall colors were really out for the CVTA Annual Meeting and Fall Foliage Ride this past Saturday. It was good to get a chance to chat with people in person about the Cross Vermont Trail and share ideas for the future.
Special thanks to Volunteers of the Year - the members of the Town of Groton's ad hoc "upgrade the railbed" committee. Mike Nahmias (from town planning commission), Gary Lamberton (from Buckaroos of 302 snowmobile club) and Mike Gaiss (from town recreation committee). They have put in so many hours over the past couple years applying for and managing a large State grant to pay for upgrades to the rail trail in town. The main part of the work is scheduled to happen later this fall, and be finished up next spring. Thanks guys!
September 26, 2024
Ongoing storm repairs trundle.
CVTA and our partners are continuing to chip away at repairs to storm impacted sections of trail. Because of the volume of work, and the fact that it is on top of impacts from previous storms, we are working down the list strategically. Some spots are being completely redone, others patched a bit for now, and some places where the trail is useable but rough will likely not be addressed until next year.
The biggest news is still the railtrail through Town of Groton and Groton State Forest. We are waiting for the availability of contractors. But starting later this Fall a significant amount improvement will occur with more to come spring 2025.
For work done directly by CVTA, we have priorized the abutment of the bridge about one mile east of Route 14. The trail here is fully open again. And additional stone to support the abutment in future wet weather will be in place shortly, wrapping up this important long term repair.
On our newest section of Cross Vermont Trail - the railbed east of Plainfield Park and Ride - we have done a bandaid fix to the existing old culvert (itself a replacement of an old railroad culvert washed out long ago). Some day a larger culvert or bridge would make sense here. But for now, the fast fix was to pull a lot of boulders from the surrounding woods to reinforce the wing walls of the current structure.
On the Johnnie Brook Trail in Richmond, we cleaned up the regular storm debris of logs and sand. The bigger story there now is that the water table is so high this year that the old 2007 section of boardwalk is under a big puddle. Simplest answer is to make a bigger boardwalk. This will be a fair amount of work and expense and likely won't happen until next year. As with all this, stay tuned!
September 22, 2024
2024 Annual Meeting and Foliage Ride September 28, 2024
Join us at CVTA's 2024 Annual Meeting this Saturday at 10 AM, at the new trailhead parking in Groton Village off of Little Italy Rd.
Annual Meeting is a chance to talk with fellow trail enthusiasts about progress and future of the Cross Vermont Trail. And we will honor local volunteers who have been working overtime to improve the trail in Groton! We also have a little business to attend to, electing 2024 Board Members for the Association.
Plus a bike ride on the railtrail, or a walk along the river, to explore this beautiful area during Fall Foliage!
Location is the new trailhead parking lot recently built by the Town of Groton. To get there, from Route 302 in the village of Groton, go south on Powder Spring Rd over the river, then turn left onto Little Italy Rd. The trailhead is a short drive up on the left. This trailhead is also the site of a future new park for Groton, along the river. Exciting things happening in Groton for trails and parks these days!
September 8, 2024
Bridge on rail trail in Groton State Forest made like new.
It's called Stillwater Brook. When you are at the Kettle Pond parking lot, off to the side it's the broad slow moving water heading towards Rte 232.
On the other side of the road, though, it plunges down a dramatic boulder strewn gorge. The old railroad concrete and steel bridge structure over all this is still carrying on strong. But the wooden decking had nearly disintegrated after many years of use. Now, with complete new decking, bridge is back open for business.
Stay tuned for additional repair work on the rail trail in the State Forest as things are gradually brought back up to snuff.
September 8, 2024
Groton Forest Trail Run 2024
We had the big rock to weigh down piles of registration forms. We had the cheering squad at the finish line. We had the blue skies and dappled forest shade. We had the well marked course threading the spaghetti bowl of trails throughout Groton State Forest. Groton Forest Trail Run 2024 yesterday was a good time!
Not to mention the unexpected vision of an old "action news tonight" mobile TV van at the top of Owls Head Road. Its been readapted as a Ham radio base station. Local Hams helped us keep track of the runners as they passed through each of the check in aid stations along the course.
Thanks to everyone who helped pull off this all volunteer event. A great chance to celebrate these trails we've worked so hard on over the years.
September 6, 2024
She's got legs.
Storm repair to the bridge about a mile east of Route 14, on the rail trail. This one did OK in 2023 but in the "anniversary flood" of 2024 the bank underneath the east sill (Plainfield side) started to get undercut. Just added some braces and deep set posts to keep it up in the new conditions. Luckily M.C. Escher was available for design input.
Next will refill the short section of trail past the bridge that is also slumping. This area should be back up to full speed in the next week or so.
Not gonna lie, the storm repair is turning out to (again) take significant time away from moving forward on building new trail. But we'll be back to new projects by later in September.
August 11, 2024
Connector Trail up to U-32 is connected.
We finished excavating and roughing in the "accessible connector trail" from the new Cross Vt Trail by the Winooski bridge up the (very steep!) bluff to the existing trails behind U-32 School.
Later this fall we will finish this new segment with gravel surface and drainage structures, and some pert little signs too. Stay tuned for the grand opening after that.
July 17, 2024
Annual Meeting rescheduled to September 28
Once again, unfortunately, a damaging flood has happened just before our scheduled Annual Meeting. So we are rescheduling to September when hopefully storm cleaning will be caught up. New plan is to have the annual meeting in conjunction with our Fall Foliage Bike Ride. Still in Groton, stay tuned for details closer to the date.
Once we get there, then "come one come all" for a chance to take a look at all the great improvements underway on the trail in Groton this summer, and to meet and share trail ideas and stories with others. Plus we'll do a little annual business for the Association. And have snacks.
July 15, 2024
Storm Impacts Upshot
Bridge posted closed on railtrail east of Route 14, about a mile in and half way to Country Club Road. The bridge is basically OK, but the bank under a corner of the abutment is undercut. The bridge is officially closed while we work to stabilize the abutment.
Inundation flooding on lower Winooski. Two sections of trail, in Waterbury and Richmond, are in the flood plain and, as is normal, they were under water. Once the waters recede they are basically OK, and just need to be cleaned up. This time, it looks like mud is the big theme. In past years it was sand that got deposited, or worse lots of trash. But this time, mostly mud. We'll wait for it to dry out then see about regrading the travel way.
In Plainfield, Marshfield, and Groton, there was a lot of surface runoff on the trail and through culverts with the result now that there are many patches that are washed and rough. Patching and regrading projects will be underway through the rest of the summer.
July 11, 2024
The flooding of July 10 - 11, 2024 tracked along most of the Cross Vermont Trail route. In the immediate aftermath of the storm our thoughts and attention are to the larger non-trail harm done. As things start to clear up, we will begin assessing specific trail damages. In the meantime, please just assume trails are damaged and use all caution. Contact us directly to report anything you may know of already.
In the immediate Montpelier area, the storm did not have impact like it did last year. All the trails, built and also under construction, related to the Winooski Bridge project are OK. At least as of Thursday morning. We'll see what things look like more once the water goes down on Friday and through the weekend.
June 30, 2024
Tour de CreeMee, thanks all!
Well it's happened again. The Tour de Creemee (aka Central Vt Cycle Tour aka the EcoTour) ran last Sunday on what turned out to be another beautiful day. From riding under the rainbow along Sibley Rd in East Montpelier to all the great support provided by the crew from Onion River Outdoors - good times. Thanks to ORO for taking on the leadership of this event, and helping to spread the word (and raise a little funding) to help Cross Vt Trail build more better community paths!
June 25, 2024
Big Projects underway in Groton.
Groton Gateway Park Planning. The Town of Groton has begun planning for park and recreation use of town owned land along side the Cross Vermont Trail, in the village area (off of Little Italy Road.)
55 people attended a kick off open house at the site earlier this week. They toured the area, talked with the landscape architect who is working with the town to make the proposed new plan, and most importantly there was a lot of excitement about what the future could hold for Groton.
Public Comment Period is now open. The Planning Commission is looking for input, especially from Groton residents, to identify desirable park amenities, ways to improve park access, and prioritize community uses within the newly expanded riverfront park. The public comment period is open through July 12, 2024.
The overhaul of the rail trail being lead by the Town of Groton is underway! A bunch of new culverts have just gone in, and new gravel surface is on its way. If you are out on the trail during the next few weeks, be aware you may see heavy equipment and crews at work.
June 15, 2024
The Winooski Bridge project, back on track.
The trail alongside Route 2 has been cleaned up and smoothed for use this summer. The fence still looks a little wavy but is solid. Eventually, VTrans will return to this spot to do another round of repair work to the road foundation, and the trail would be temporarily closed at that time. We'll keep you posted when we know more about when this work gets scheduled.
We are back to where we were a year ago, before the storm. Work has resumed in earnest on the new trail linking from the Winooski Bridge up to U-32. Stay tuned for the grand opening of this important new connection, later this fall.
May 31, 2024
National Trails Day is Saturday June 1st 2024.
Trails Day Work Day on the Wells River Nature Trails Saturday June 1st
9:00 am to 3pm at Blue Mt. School in Wells River. Vt.
This is the day when trails group through out the country will get together to do their spring cleaning on their local trail networks. Cross Vermont Trail Association, and Newbury Conservation Commission are sponsoring this year's event.
VOLUNTEERS needed to help with Trails Day Work Day, a good turnout is what makes these trail happen. The trail system over all is in really good shape. If we can get your help, this trail system will be in good shape for years to come.
Tool needed; weed whackers, big & small, brush cutters, loppers, shovels & rakes, pole saw, and Chain Saw [small one 16-20” bar is good]
Through the Wells River Nature Trails we hope to stimulate interest in the thoughtful stewardship of our Natural, Recreational, Educational, and Economic resource for the people of our community.
Thanks for all your support of trails, Happy Summer!
May 20, 2024
Spring even up in hobblebush country. Scouting summer projects in the Groton State Forest area.
April 11, 2024
Central Vermont Cycling Tour is now TOUR DE CREEMEE!
Big update for the Central Vermont Cycling Tour. We're thrilled to announce Onion River Outdoors (ORO), Montpelier's iconic bike and outdoor gear shop, has stepped up to be the new lead organizer for the ride. Keep in touch with ORO and all their events at the store website. Thanks to ORO for taking the baton on the Cycle Tour and keeping things rolling into the future!
The folks at ORO say:
"This gorgeously scenic ride begins and ends at Morse Farm, home of the scrumptious maple creemee, so we have redubbed this ride Tour de Creemee. Everything else will stay the same from the three routes - 15, 30 and 60 miles - to the convenient rest stops, the well marked routes and finally the wonderful, local picnic, including, of course, a celebratory creemee!"
"The soul of this ride remains true as ORO will continue to support the mission of Cross Vermont Trail Association with proceeds. Join us for this family friendly, community oriented ride and experience the magic of cycling the most beautiful gravel roads in Vermont on a summer's day!"
(But then they would say that. Sounds just like them.)
See you there the last Sunday in June - 6/30/2024. Early registration is open now!
Go to event BikeReg page.
December 8, 2023
Dear Friends,
We hope you’ve had a good year of outdoor fun on Vermont’s great network of trails despite the summer rains. The July 10-11 flood was the big news for the Cross Vermont Trail.
We’re happy to say that our practice of Build Back Better paid off when all the large bridges, culverts and trail segments we rebuilt after Tropical Storm Irene held fast—hurray! The Johnny Brook Bridge and trail in Richmond is a good example of this smart re-build. The new Winooski River Bridge in East Montpelier was designed with climate-driven storms in mind, and it stayed solid on its abutments—phew!
"Storm damage across all the variety of local trails CVTA helps to maintain was extensive but not insurmountable" reports our Executive Director Greg Western. After the storm he was busy all of the rest of the year from Richmond to Wells River on restoration work. Money we had on hand from your past donations allowed us to quickly go into action, buying gravel and materials and renting equipment to clean up many smaller washouts and overwhelmed culverts.
Major structures like the Winooski Bridge did well in the big storm, but there were uncountable smaller washouts to repair. After finishing all that this Fall, we are ready to resume progress on new trail construction in East Montpelier next Spring.
Some segments of the Cross Vermont Trail took bigger hits, however. You may have noticed the slumped trail railing above the Winooski River in East Montpelier where our shared path with Route 2 is located. The river undercut its steep bank here, but VTrans has pledged to reinstall the path after they finish shoring up the riverbank. Other partners we are supporting as they do large scale storm response projects are Groton State Forest and the Town of Marshfield. CVTA played an important role to advocate that trail repair be considered in these organizations' larger storm response.
We’re pleased that our trail projects built over the last ten years have proven resilient. We’re also aiming for resiliency in our organization by growing our financial resources so that we can hire paid seasonal staff as needed at a reasonable wage. This past summer we had no applications for our AmeriCorps crew, usually the backbone of our summer season, so Greg had to rely on volunteers, and sometimes his own lonesome, to do the flood repair work.
The amount of trail we’re responsible for is growing, and so too must our organizational capacity grow. Just this past summer we opened an important new section of the old railbed as a formal trail heading out from Plainfield Village to Marshfield. This was the result of investing much careful time in working together positively with landowners, and then being able to spend the money needed to upgrade the trail once permission was given. We continue our program of annual outreach to landowners who may someday become Cross Vermont Trail partners and aim to report on many more new sections of trail in the coming years.
Volunteer groups are always an important part of how we work. But to fully build for the future CVTA relies on your donation to help pay for dedicated staff.
Please help us to grow as a sustainable trail organization, ready to meet the challenges of weather events, new trail construction and existing trail maintenance. Your generosity at this time will help ensure that the Cross Vermont Trail and many side trails continue to improve and grow, in great shape into the future, for the people of all the communities — geographic and otherwise — that together form the vibrant network of the Cross Vermont Trail!
With our best wishes for 2024!
Mike Thomas
CVTA Board Chair
Rose Paul
CVTA Board Secretary
P.S. Our annual meeting next year will be Saturday July 20 in Groton. It's a low key chance to meet other trail enthusiasts and share your ideas too. It will also be a time to check out and celebrate some major upgrades to the Cross Vermont Trail on the railbed underway now, which we are doing together with major partner the Town of Groton. Stay tuned for details, everyone welcome!
In Richmond, the Johnnie Brook boardwalk was buried but unbroken.
On our newly opened section of railtrail between Plainfield Village and Marshfield, CVTA reconstructed a large washed out culvert.
In Groton, south of Rickers Mill, CVTA took the lead to repair this large wash out.
In Groton State Forest CVTA continued our long tradition of helping to build out and maintain the full multi-use path network. After the storm we rebuilt this damaged segment of the (poetically named) Rail Trail Connector Trail.
The Cross Vermont Trail located on the Montpelier & Wells River railbed where the town owns the old bed in Marshfield was heavily impacted - exposing the rail ties! The town has completed a major rebuild this Fall. Next year CVTA will work with the town to complete further improvements at the trailhead here, and also to upgrade additional sections of the railbed elsewhere.
This Fall we resurfaced and graded all of the recently constructed but then storm damaged segments of the new trail on either side of the Winooski Bridge.
In Wells River, CVTA Board Chair Mike Thomas dressed up to reset a storm damaged boardwalk.
December 7, 2023
The first round of flood repair to the shoulder of Route 2 has been completed. Thanks to VTrans and their contractor for putting the trail back together as the work was done. Heads up that VTrans will be doing additional major work at this location in 2024.
November 22, 2023
Storm repair by VTrans contractor is emphatically active where bike path runs on shoulder of Route 2, behind the guardrail, heading towards East Montpelier.
Not sure how they got that excavator perched on the slumping nearly vertical slope at edge of river, but there it is.
Trail is closed while they do this (probably obvious). But will reopen when this first round of work is done. Later next summer there will be another larger round of work at the same location.
November 16, 2023
The trail section in East Montpelier that threads the needle with the Winooski close by on one side and Route 2 on the other was sorely undercut by the July Flood. This is the section behind the guardrail, between the bike path bridge and the trailhead at the Hidden Dam. After the flood the trail, and the whole road shoulder, started slumping.
Vt Agency of Transportation is embarking on the large repair needed here. Initial work will be done over the next couple of weeks, to stabilize the site before winter. Then next summer there will be additional work done to complete the permanent fix.
While VTrans is on site actually working, the trail will be closed of course. However, the good news is that between the work periods, trail is expected to be open. Watch for signs (and giant yellow machines in your way) alerting when the project is active.
October 28, 2023
Lessee, so that makes . . . One rake for an elven queen far off in forest glade. One rake for the dwarven lords deep in their mountain. One rake for a king of men whose heart is perhaps too proud. One rake to rule them all and in the autumn bind them. Check, check, check and check.
We're back to putting down the surface gravel on the U-32 trails by Winooski Bridge. Finally resuming the work that had been underway before the July 10 storm. And it feels epic.
October 20, 2023
Storm clean up at the Peace Park.
Montpelier High School had a fall festival yesterday, with the morning spent doing service projects all around town. CVTA joined with one group of students cleaning up lingering storm debris at the Peace Park on the bike path - still lots of trash and silt from July floods hanging around along the Winooski.
October 4, 2023
Storm cleanup at the Winooski Bridge project, proceeding apace.
Have finished cleaning up between Winooski Bridge and Route 2 trailhead at Hidden Dam, adding more gravel and smoothing/compacting the many small washouts.
Note that the slump of the trail behind the guardrail next to Route 2 is still not repaired. This is a larger project that involves the highway. It will be worked on by VTrans later this Fall.
October 3, 2023
One step forward. Opening the next element of the new trails on either side of the Winooski Bridge.
The Penstock Trail is open! This simple walking trail along the bank of the river forms a loop with the railtrail. It is a moderately difficult trail which is narrow and has uneven footing with some steep spots. But I bet your dog can bound along it joyfully. This is all between Gallison Hill Road and the big trail bridge, downhill from the railbed, in the woods.
October 1, 2023
Perfect fall weather and good company at the Foliage Ride yesterday.
For the 26th running of the Cross Vermont Trail Fall Foliage Ride enjoyed some breaks of fast cruising on the railbed, mixed with long conversations at the 8 mile snacks table, and little off trail exploring too.
September 16, 2023
Quorum Achieved!
A pleasant, brief annual meeting with plenty of comfortable seating - all of our goals were achieved Sept 16 at the 2023 CVTA Annual Meeting, held at the Winooski Bridge project construction site.
Especially, it was nice to talk more with some folks we don't often get a chance to geek out about trails with.
September 14, 2023
Cross Vt Trail featured on bike packing podcast.
"They called us loopers" he said. So now they've got a name. Bikepacking enthusiast and podcaster Ben Hall recently made a trip starting in St. J. down to Wells River over on the Cross Vt Trail then up to the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail and back around to St. J.
His website covers a remarkable broad range of subjects and - just kidding, it's really just a lot about bikes and trails. And so it makes sense that his most recent podcast is an interview with CVTA Executive Director Greg Western.
Listen to this show and more at
September 14, 2023
New section of Cross Vermont Trail officially opens on railbed!
The railbed between John Fowler Road in Marshfield and the Plainfield Park and Ride in Plainfield Village is now officially open as the newest section of the Cross Vermont Trail. Yes, people have "traditionally" used the railbed here as a trail for many years, but now we have real permission from the landowners - a private parcel and also two parcels owned by the Town of Plainfield. Please keep in mind that the private parcel is open to public use on condition that trail users Stay On The Trail, do not trespass into the fields and forest to the sides of the trail where you see the "Posted" signs.
East to West: from Rte 2 turn left onto John Folwer Road. Literally go over the river and through the woods and up a short hill on this dirt road. Then turn right onto the old railbed. The Cross Vermont Trail follows the railbed for a half mile to the Plainfield Park & Ride. Continue through the Village on Main St. back out to Rte 2 and turn left onto the highway.
Click on the images below for larger versions.
September 13, 2023
Storm clean up report: Two months out from the big flood, happy to report have completed all the "odd and ends" of smaller repairs - on the sections of trail where CVTA is the primary lead for care and maintenance. See Storm Updates Page for current status section by section.
Here is a before and after for a slumped area at a culvert on the rail trail:
Next up, we are returning to the Winooski Bridge project. Aiming for a productive Fall season to get caught up there.
Meanwhile, be cautioned that several significant areas of storm damage - where CVTA partners with State and Town governments - have still not been repaired, and there are some trail closures still in effect. These larger repairs will take some time to get done, but it is going to happen.
August 29, 2023
Storm clean up report: Finished patching numerous small washouts and emergent mud holes on the rail trail between Route 14 in East Montpelier and Country Club Rd in Plainfield.
To the person who marked all the spots with orange paint, keep that paint dry! but job done for now. (Except for the one annoying rock that sticks up in the railbed, still thinking about that one.)
August 9, 2023
Storm clean up report: The washout on railbed just south of Rickers Mill has been repaired. This was the one significant bad storm spot in Town of Groton - the trail between Rickers Mill and Pine Mt is otherwise as normal. Stay tuned for a major refurbishing of this section being planned by the town, to be done later this fall and next spring.
August 3, 2023
Storm clean up report: For the railbed in Groton State Forest, especially north of Route 232, the State Forest folks are planning for some larger fixes. The work will require more than just "filling in the hole" - with an eye towards addressing the root issues that made the bed prone to collapsing in the storm. It may take a bit to get all that designed, permitted and then contracted out. Meanwhile, this section of the railbed is definitely closed.
August 2, 2023
Storm clean up report: The green path along Winooski River behind Waterbury State Office Complex and through Hope Cemetery to Winooski St. in Waterbury is generally open, rough in spots. Two locations are flagged as hazardous, walk around them. CVTA volunteers helped clean up the remainder of flood debris and eclectic accumulations of trash and cleared brush and branches etc blocking the trail. Also we straightened the bench (very satisfying)! Meanwhile, the two big holes and all the piles of sand will be cleaned up by the State BGS folks - they are on the case, stay tuned.
August 1, 2023
Storm clean up report: CVTA volunteers have leveled and reset the "floated away but not for far" boardwalk on the Blue Mt School trail.
July 28, 2023
Clean up from storm is underway. Richmond Trails Committee showed up in force earlier this week to shovel silt off of the boardwalks, clean ditches, and regrade small gullies in the tread, on the Johnnie Brook Trail.
Statewide tally of storm impacts to Cross Vermont Trail posted up here.
July 14, 2023
Flood Updates, first news.
The Cross Vermont Trail (Montpelier & Wells River Rail Trail) in Marshfield and Groton is closed. There are numerous washouts and impacts to bridges, which are still being assessed.
The western half of Cross Vermont Trail route from Burlington to East Montpelier, and also in Wells River in the far east, appears to be basically OK based on initial survey. Of course there is evidence that a lot of water came through and fair amount of clean up is ahead of us. There may be ongoing news of further impacts to the route, especially where the route is associated with roads as they get fully assessed by VTrans and by Towns.
Now is not the time to plan a statewide or longer trip (not that anyone is I am sure.) However, if there is a local trail near you that you regularly use, it may be OK and is worth checking out.
The new Winooski Bridge did fine and was high and clear of the flood even at crest. Turns out hiring all those engineers to design the expensive version was worth it, who knew?
On the railtrail east of Route 14 all is well at "the big blowout" from 2011. The new bridge let the water pass as we planned. I never had any doubt except for maybe a little.
On the Johnnie Brook Trail in Richmond, you can see the mud line where the boardwalk was completely submerged, and the green of the trees that were above water level. But after water went down, the trail appears to be at first look the same as always. Amazing.
July 12, 2023
Annual Meeting rescheduled!
We are canceling on July 15 (because, there was a flood.) And we are rescheduling for September 16 (because Sept is going to be great, I can feel it).
Otherwise no changes to the detail, we'll meet at the Winooski Bridge site, etc. Hope to see you in September to swap some stories!
July 8, 2023
Annual Meeting INVITE
Next Saturday July 15 at 10 AM (and lasting just about an hour) we are gathering at the Winooski Bridge site.
It's the first ever Cross Vermont Trail Association "stand alone" (but we'll actually stand together) annual meeting. Usually our focus is on the "Cross Vermont Trail" part of the organization. This time though it is the "Association" part getting to be front and center.
How this helps make more trail.
We always say that one of the magic tricks of CVTA is to be just big enough to do the work that needs to be done, but without making a bigger deal of things, organizationally, than needed.
An important element of being "as big as we need to be" is our hard won status as an incorporated non-profit charity which is governed with by-laws and a volunteer board AND which is ultimately a member based organization, by and for the community who support and join in our mission and vision.
That's you. You are the community members who have joined together to make this vision a reality. Thanks!
The annual meeting is a chance for us all to get together and share thoughts about what CVTA is up to and where we are headed. We want to provide updates and information as well as hear new ideas.
(Also, ahem, it's a requirement of the by-laws that we have to elect the Board at the annual meeting with a quorum of at least 15 people, not to throw too many nuts and bolts here.)
The (very formal) meeting agenda:
1.) Elect Board Members. Currently we have seven folks ready to continue on the Board. (Also, there's room for three more to join, something to consider!) Current slate:
2.) First Annual Honoration of a Trail Booster of Note. (Working on a better name for this award.) (Also trying to decide if the award should be a certificate, or a pie.) 2023 honoree is East Montpelier's Nancy Chickering! The last few years Nancy has been an ace in the hole trail bridge construction volunteer at the "big washout" on the railbed east of Route 14 and then on the new trail in the U-32 Forest. Thanks Nancy! (Plus this tricks her into attending the meeting to help us get our quorum.)
3.) Update and discussion of the current work of CVTA and a tour of the ongoing construction site around the Winooski Bridge. (This is actually the majority of the hour.)
Location Directions: Go to Gallison Hill Road in Montpelier. Across the street from the Central Vermont Civic Center you'll see the old railbed which is now the trail (but the trail signs are not up yet). Normally the railbed is not open to vehicle traffic beyond the trailhead parking lot, but for this event it's OK to drive out to the end of the bed at the Winooski Hydroelectric Co. dam site. Of course if you walk or bike out that's even better.
Next Year: We will rotate the annual meeting to different locations along our full route. Coming to a trail near you as we work to make the statewide Cross Vermont Trail a reality!
July 4, 2023
Getting the treadway gravel down on new trail through U-32 School Forest.