Donate to the Cross Vermont Trail online using any major credit card
Donating is easy - here's how:
You can use any major credit card.
(PayPal is just the processor.)
After you click the "Donate" button, follow the instructions to pick your preferred payment type. Thanks!
Or donate through the mail
Cross Vermont Trail Association
PO Box 116
Montpelier, VT 05601
Donations to CVTA can be tax deductible.
See our tax deductible faq for more information.

Every dollar goes to work.
The CVTA is supported entirely by donations. (We sell nothing. We charge no fees.) Some times it just costs money to:
- secure public access for trails from landowners willing to sell
- buy construction material, contract with engineers and surveyors
- maintain trail signs and route guides, printing and website costs
- hire skilled people to coordinate and teach volunteers and youth groups working out on the trail
- pay staff to stay on top of and ensure compliance with government regulations and permit requirements
We do apply for and win competitive government grants to help fund many of our projects. However, these grants can pay only part of the cost of any one item. Private donations are needed also for each thing we buy to create the trail.
Major Gifts.
We are lucky that occasionally people choose to make a significant investment in the future of the Cross Vermont Trail by making a major gift. We are happy to talk together with supporters to make the process easy. Multi year pledges, gifts in the form of stock, and other considerations - let us know what might make the most sense for you.
If you would like, major gifts can be commemorated on the trail - on a bench at a scenic vista, with a plaque on a major structure. Your donation can help make real an important part of the trail, which can be dedicated to the memory of someone important to you. Let us know if this is something you'd be interested in talking more about.
Donation of materials and supplies.
Maybe you've got left over lumber, a still good culvert, extra landscaping supplies, things you don't need that could have a new life on the trail? Give us a call.
Businesses take note - donations of inventory to CVTA are tax deductible. Can't afford to donate? Bargain sales are great too - give us a deal while recovering some of your original cost.