Student Projects
Hands on projects for schools, youth groups, and interns.
Trail building projects, of course. But also academic or artistic opportunities.
Work parties.
Youth groups can spend a few hours or a day on a trail building project. CVTA will set things up, provide tools and safety gear, and help lead and teach about the work. Even in just a few hours of trail building a group can make a real difference you can see. Since we work on community trails, our projects are more accessible for people who have limited time or who may not be experienced at hiking long distances.
Bigger projects.
Design and build a more complex project, such as a small bridge. For motivated students or anyone who thinks trail building just sounds like fun. We can show you places that need more attention like this, and help you get started.
Academic projects and field trips.
Hey teachers - incorporate your class work into a real world product. We are always looking to add to and improve pages from our Guide to Nature and History along the Cross Vermont Trail; and also create educational signs along the trail. We would like to include more student work and insights. We may have funding to reimburse class expenses for project materials and field trips.
Outdoor Leadership Internship.

Get a chance to practice the real details of group dynamics and leadership - good skills to know for future jobs in the great outdoors. For older high school students. Spend part of your time this summer doing an "outdoor leadership internship" on the Cross Vermont Trail. In June and July, we would ask you to spend some days volunteering on trail building projects and learning the ropes. Then as you become more familiar, you can help lead one day work parties with groups of other volunteers. Finally, in August, by which time you will appear to most people to be an expert, you would camp out for one to three weeks with our Volunteer Vacation trail crew and be the assistant crew leader.
Design - Your - Own trail management internship.
For motivated students - tell us what you are interested in getting to work on. We are happy to work with your professors or teachers as well to make sure your work counts for credit, if needed. Examples of possible projects: translate our guidebook into french; evaluate how well different sections of trail work for equestrians (or other uses); conduct a survey of trail users, analyze the data. And so on - tell us your idea!
Calling all artists.
Your drawing, photography, poetry or other art would probably make our website and trail guide a little more effective. Plus, posting your work on a trail guide website may be the first step to renown as an artist and, subsequently, unimaginable riches. May be.
Download informational flier of Student Project Opportunities. (PDF 218KB)