We spread out across the state in 2010, pursuing projects large and small!
Winter trail in Newbury.
Working together with local snowmobile club (Newbury Border Riders), installed fresh trail signs. Winter signage can be a little confusing along the route of the Cross Vermont Trail, since snowmobile trails often "braid" with the non-motorized route - overlapping, then separating, then overlapping again. Let us know how the new signs are working!
Nice ditch! Trail OK too.
We continue our ongoing partnership with the Town of Groton to upgrade the former Montpelier - Wells River Railroad there to be a great four season trail. With the help of Vermont Youth Conservation Corps we worked on restoring an historic granite culvert from the 19th century, and also reclaimed from some very large tree roots the ditches leading to the culvert.
The Rail Trail Connector Trail in Groton State Forest is a four season path linking New Discovery State Park with the Cross Vermont Trail. Though designated a four season trail, it has in the past been maintained primarily for winter use (in other words, it was muddy.) American Hiking Society volunteers camped out for a week, reconstructed three sections of the trail to make them useable in four seasons, and added new signage for non-winter users. Go for a hike and let us know what you think!
Continued to work together with Central Vermont Habitat for Humanity and the Town of East Montpelier to convert a property in East Montpelier to affordable housing as well as a greenway corridor for the future route of the trail. We completed another section of erosion control on historic gullies that had been washing sediment into the Winooski.
Joined with U32 School to start to perform reconstruction on some of the school's existing trails. In the future, we hope to connect the school trail system to the nearby main line of the Cross Vermont Trail.
Finally, we coordinated with VTrans and Faipoint to ensure that new telephone poles along Rte 2 were installed in a way that would not block future trail construction beside the road.
When the intersection of Lovers Lane and Rte 2 was reconfigured to accomodate new Rte 2 highway bridge, CVTA kept in touch with VTrans to make sure trail route signage was preserved.
[Caption contest needed.]
We joined with "Waterbury in Motion" (an initiative of Waterbury LEAP) to support their effort to put together a community trail plan. Promoting trails for fitness and seeking to remove barriers that prevent kids from walking or biking to school. This is all part of LEAP's effort to make Waterbury the greenest town in the state by 2020 (though I'm sure they wouldn't mind if it ended up being a tie.)
 Many thanks for the enthusiasm of trail building volunteers and to the Vermont teenagers who sign up to work with the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps. Also, for support by VT Agency of Transportation, VT Dept. of Forests, Parks and Recreation, the VT Recreation Trails Fund, the Vermont Watershed Grants (funded by purchase of conservation license plates), the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission, Volunteers for Peace, the American Hiking Society, Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, Norwich University students, the Washington County Youth Service Bureau and the Towns of East Montpelier and Groton.
We've got more volunteer trailwork days coming up - click HERE to find out more.
Updated December 10, 2010