This past summer we continued working on the "Old Route 2" section of the Cross Vermont Trail in East Montpelier. This section of trail is approx 1 mile in length, and runs east-west along the Winooski River, near Route 2. The trail is made possible by the enthusiasm of many trail building volunteers, and by Vermont teenagers who sign up to work with the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.
There are a wide variety of jobs to do on this trail (though they all seem to involve carrying heavy things and digging in the mud one way or another . . .) You can see in the pictures that this year we: built erosion controls in gullies created by road run-off; dug into the hillside and built retaining walls to create a "bench" for the trail; and prepared to build bridges over the gullies - but the actual bridge building is coming up still in 2008 so call if you are interested!
A big thanks goes out to the VT Agency of Transportation, the VT Watershed Grants (that's their logo at right), the VT Recreation Trails Fund, the Lake Champlain Basin Program and the Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission for their continuing support of this project.
Updated May 22, 2009